I was standing on our back deck when I took this photo of Joey and the kids on the trampoline. I can't tell you what a blessing it is to have this huge yard for the kids to play in. I can let them go out back and tell them to stay in our yard, and they feel like they have all the room in the world to run and play. I have been known to make them race to the tree line and back in the afternoons just to wear them out! We are enjoying all the space so much!
God is so good. The past few years have been challenging. We haven't always been able to see what God was up to, but we've done our best to walk in His will for our family, even when we couldn't understand. When I was sick, Psalm 18 was one of my favorites...I'd like to share some of it with you:
Ps 18: 16-19
He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
he drew me out of deep waters.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
from my foes, who were too strong for me.
They confronted me in the day of my disaster,
but the Lord was my support.
He brought me out into a SPACIOUS PLACE;
he rescued me because he delighted in me.
Praise God, the giver of all good things.
We love you...
Joey and Mandy