Monday, June 15, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth

Well, because I enjoy seeing everyone's blogs and because I need to find an effective way of keeping in touch I have decided to try this out. I am hoping that it's as fool-proof as I've heard. Seems ok so far.

We began VBS this and chaos! Gotta love it! The kids are very excited and I am helping out in the nursery with Molly. Matthew and Emily seem to be very comfortable in their own "big kid" classes. I'm sure we'll all be worn out by the end of the week.

The picture above was taken in May. We got to tag along on one of Joey's "work trips" and stopped off at Disney on our way home from Cocoa Beach. It was magical. It was so much fun to watch the kids' faces....especially Emily's during the fireworks show at the castle.

We have decided to settle in here in Huntsville after much prayer and consideration. It is bittersweet as we really love it here and know that God has good things for us here, but we miss our friends in Houston tons! We are looking for a house and hoping to get settled in before the school year starts for Emmy.

Ok, hopefully future posts will be shorter. Miss you, love you!

1 comment:

  1. When were y'all at Disney? We were there at the beginning of May. It was so cool to see the kids' faces like you said! Anyway, I can't wait for your future blog posts!
